Dr. Brenda Robinson via: natchezadamsschooldistrict.org
NATCHEZ, Miss. — City aldermen reappointed Brenda Robinson to the Natchez-Adams school board Tuesday after six candidates — including her — were interviewed.
While Alderman Valencia Hall recommended three others be further considered, the board outvoted Hall to retain Robinson for another five-year term on the board.
“Why fix what’s not broken?” said Alderman Felicia Irving, who advocated reappointing Robinson because she “has the wherewithal to remain on that board.”
The Board of Aldermen voted 5-1 to keep Robinson. Hall, the lone dissenter against reappointing Robinson, said aldermen should’ve instead considered three other applicants for the school board seat: Mary Lessley, Jessica Lewis and Shalanda White. Hall said they stood out as the top candidates of the six interviewed last week by Hall and two other aldermen.
Hall chairs the Board of Aldermen’s education committee, which conducted the public question-and-answer session Feb. 7 with Robinson and the five other school board contenders. However, Alderman Billie Joe Frazier said all six aldermen should’ve been allowed to interview the six school board nominees.
The five-member board governs the public school system for Natchez-Adams County. City aldermen appoint three members and county supervisors appoint two.
The school board appoints the school superintendent, determines the local school tax levy and oversees the operations of Natchez-Adams County’s public schools: McLaurin Elementary, West Elementary, Morgantown Elementary, Natchez Middle, Natchez High, Natchez Early College and Fallin Career and Technical Center.
The school system has struggled academically in recent years with poor student performance based on state assessment tests. However, it rose up to earn a “B” in the most recent grades given by the state Department of Education to Mississippi schools.
“School board members were the guiding force behind this,” said Irving as she pushed for Robinson’s reappointment.
Robinson — who attended Tuesday’s Board of Aldermen meeting along with several supporters applauding her reappointment — thanked the aldermen for their decision.