NATCHEZ, Miss. – Natchez-Adams County officials are talking up plans to get a commercial-passenger airline to serve the local airport.
“That’s something we’re trying to explore to get our airport to do,” said Angela Hutchins, president of the Adams County Board of Supervisors.
The Natchez-Adams County Airport has not had commercial airline service since the mid-1990s, according to the airport’s historical records.
Hutchins named a California-based airline fleeted with small planes as a prospect to provide regular daily flights to and from the Adams County-owned airport. Boutique Air provides airports in 18 states with commuter flights to connect small communities with larger cities and airports.
Hutchins said Monday she and Natchez Mayor Dan Gibson recently attended a meeting in Greenville, where Boutique Air has regular flights to New Orleans, Dallas and Nashville. Boutique uses nine-passenger planes that could provide three flights a day, Hutchins said.
Boutique promotes itself as an airline on which passengers can “experience flying private for the cost of commercial.”
Gibson and Hutchins have pointed to the Natchez-Adams County Airport as a high priority for enhancements in their efforts to provide better accommodations for residents, businesses and visitors.
The Natchez Board of Aldermen last month provided $25,000 help fund airport improvements to augment $3.8 million in federal funds received for resurfacing runways
“There are going to be more improvements to come. …. We need passenger service,” Gibson said.
With this in mind, a wish list presented last month by Natchez-Adams County officials for state or federal funds includes $1.7 million for the airport terminal, which Hutchins said has roof leaks. The terminal building opened in 1959.
As Natchez continues to attract tourists, the mayor said the city is becoming more of a work destination in need of more air-passenger service thanks largely to it being promoted as a place to make movies. Local producers Tate Taylor, John Norris and their Crooked Letter Picture Co. have associated with Film Natchez to bring Hollywood to Natchez.