Baton Rouge – The Louisiana Department of Education says public school students performed better on LEAP tests during the 2021-22 school year after seeing test scores fall in the previous school year due to the coronavirus pandemic. Superintendent of Education Cade Brumley says mastery rates for students in grades three through eighth improved three points in both math and English.
“It shows our kids are back on the rise, we stabilized the system in many ways and flipped the trajectory back north,” said Brumley.
Brumley says 80% of Louisiana school systems improved their mastery rate when compared to 2020-21. He says fewer Louisiana students scored unsatisfactory, including a three-point decrease in students scoring unsatisfactory in math.
“So we are thankful that the number of students going at the unsatisfactory level, which is the lowest level, has decreased, couple that with our mastery rate has jumped up 3% in math,” said Brumley.
Brumley says K-12 education is on the rise in Louisiana because schools were mainly open last school year and kids are in the classroom despite COVID concerns.
“Kids need to be in school, they need to be with their teachers, their friends and their supports every single day and we need to make sure that we continue to do that during the upcoming year,” said Brumley.